Good Friday

Dr. Chris’ Easter Blogs 2023 Week 3Good Friday I want to highlight some key points about Jesus on Good Friday.The soldiers led Jesus from the Mount of Olives into Jerusalem to the house of the High Priest,Caiaphas. His house has been discovered in recent times, and...
The Last Supper & the Garden of Gesthemane

The Last Supper & the Garden of Gesthemane

Week 2: The Last Supper and the Garden of Gethsemane The days between Lamb Selection Day and Passover are the days when the family was supposed to fall in love with their lamb before it is offered as a sacrifice for their sins.  During this actual Holy Week with...
Palm Sunday Easter 2023

Palm Sunday Easter 2023

Week 1: Palm Sunday This is the first blog post to help us prepare for Easter Sunday.  Many churches celebrate Lent leading up to Easter, and that has already begun.  This is an important time to prepare our hearts to reflect on the true meaning of Easter...

“The Greatest Generation” Book

I am excited to tell you about the next book I am writing, and I need your assistance.  This book is to honor to the men and women who grew up during the Great Depression and served our country during WWII.  These men and women may be those who fought in the...
Was There Really No Room In The Inn?

Was There Really No Room In The Inn?

Dr. Chris’ Christmas Blogs 2022 Week 4 In his article “The Birth – Revisited” haRold Smith explains that tradition makes us think that Joseph and Mary had no place to go and became “stuck” in an animal stable as a last resort to give birth to the Messiah.  He says...